Product & Business Prioritization

  1. Focus one product, one category and or one business model at a time.
  2. Indicator to consider in prioritization;
    • Easiest
    • Highest Demand
    • Most understood and experienced
    • Cheapest
    • Easiest and most abundant supply
  3. Case Study:
    • Jeff Bezos with Amazon add new category and business model one at a time. The everything store is started with selling book online only. The 1st thing Jeff did was listing up to 20 things most possible to sell online in the internet and he chose books due to the supply information availability, access to the supplier, demand to buy book online and the simple process of online selling


We choose to focus only on Public Training, while providing training request that enables user to give inquiries of other kinds of product.

Kopi Simpang
Focus on Minang Coffee (Maninjau & Bukittinggi), bean and powder, dark roast

Focus on Banks only


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